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  • Lina

Chocolate Cake

Quantity : 6 servings / Preparation : 20 mn / Baking : 40-45 mn

Utensils :

- a salad bowl

- 2 bowls (for chocolate & for butter)

- a whisk

- a cake tin

- baking paper (optional)

Ingredients :

- 2 eggs

- 50 grams powdered sugar

- 50 grams melted butter

- 75 grams flour

- ½ sacket of baking powder (~ 5 grams)

- 100 grams melted dark chocolate

- 10 centilitres milk

Instructions :

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. Melt separately butter (in the microwave or saucepan) and chocolate (in double boiler or in a saucepan).

3. Meanwhile beat eggs and sugar in the bowl.

4. Add the melted butter and whisk.

5. Add flour, baking powder and melted chocolate gradually (mixing between each addition).

6. Incorporate the milk.

7. Pour the mixture into a buttered cake tin (instead of butter, you can use baking paper) and bake for 40/45 minutes.

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