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Photo du rédacteurPauline


Quantity : Nearly 50 toasts / Preparation : 10 mn

Utensils :

- A Blender

- A Jar

- A toaster (optional)

Ingredients :

- 300g pitted black or green olives

- 3 tablespoons of olive oil

- 1 tablespoon of capers

- 8 anchovy fillets

- 2 cloves garlic

- Bread

- Salt

- Pepper

Instructions :

1. Mix the olives and capers in your jar

2. Add the anchovy fillets, garlic cloves, olive oil, salt and pepper

3. Mix until a paste is obtained

4. Toast the bread

5. Finally, spread your tapenade on your toast and enjoy!

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Lauryne Bougerolle
Lauryne Bougerolle
30 mai 2024

Tapenade really is the best dipping sauce in the world!

Thanks for your recipe, I'm going to try it :)

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